This quiz is going the rounds so I am pre-empting any tagging that might come my way.
Have you ever ...?
snuck out of the house yes
gotten lost in your city – don’t have a city, unless you count this little place. Got lost in Birmingham (UK), though, when I was trying to find where I had parked my car.
seen a shooting star – yes, many times
been to any other countries besides England– Scotland, Wales, France, Germany, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Poland, Russia, China, Thailand, Philippines, Ireland, Isle of Man, Belgium, USA.
had a serious surgery – double inguinal hernia repaired
gone out in public in your pajamas – yes. Sleepwalking when I had scarlet fever. Other times, too
kissed a stranger – No. I regret that …
hugged a stranger - yes
been in a fist fight – only formal boxing while in the army
been arrested - no
laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose – tea, I think it was.
pushed all the buttons on an elevator – no. What happens?
swore at your parents -No
been in love – Not sure. I might post a relevant story soon.
been close to love – Don’t know what this means, exactly
been to a casino -no
been skydiving - no
skinny dipped – yes plenty of times
skipped school –no, unless you count escaping from the school dormitory on moonlit nights and prowling the countryside with a friend
seen a therapist –yes. Didn’t help.
done the splits -no
played spin the bottle -no
gotten stitches – you mean stitches on a wound, or stitches in my side from running too hard? Both, anyway
drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour –no, why would anyone want to do that?
bitten someone – love bites? yes
been to Niagara Falls -no
gotten the chicken pox – yes, it was a welcome break from school work
kissed a member of the opposite sex - yes
crashed into a friend's car -no
been to Japan -no
ridden in a taxi – plenty of times, in Cebu the taxis are affordable, not like in London,where £5 takes you just round the corner. I don’t know if you can still even get into a taxi there for £5.
been dumped – yes. My fault for being a wimp. She needed spanking, even invited me to and I didn’t give it to her. She was my first girl friend, I still regret that loss. I was so ignorant at age 21.
shoplifted -no
been fired –yes. Never found out why.
had a crush on someone of the same sex – yes. No girls at our (boarding) school, so we had to make do with boys. He was a lovely boy with a golden singing voice and was a great friend at school, we did many things together especially during the summer vacations. All that faded when girls became available.
had feelings for someone who didn't have them back – does dislike count? Anyway, yes, positive and negative..
gone on a blind date - no
lied to a friend – probably.
had a crush on a teacher – no. Our school didn’t have any crushable female teachers
celebrated Mardi-Gras in new Orleans – never been there
been to Europe - yes
slept with a co-worker - no
been married – three times.
gotten divorced - twice
had children - seven
seen someone die – not sure, they may have already been dead when I saw them, or perhaps not.
had a close friend die – counting my son, yes
been to Africa - no
driven over 400 miles in one day – yes.
been to US – yes, St. Louis; and briefly, Boston
been to Mexico - no
been to India – unfortunately not
been on a plane – flying is one of my great delights
seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show – what’s that?
thrown up in a bar - no
purposely set a part of myself on fire – no!! but I have firewalked, without burning myself.
eaten sushi – had to look this up in the dictionary. Don’t think so. It sounds nice, though.
been skiing/snowboarding – yes, while in the army in Germany
met someone in person from the internet - no, but I hope tjhat may change.
lost a child – three. Two while they were babies, they died in a fire; one at the age of 37 from heart failure.
gone to college/university – I could only stick Bristol University for one year - no ambition for a physics degree. Twelve years later, I took a two-year course to become a teacher.
graduated college/university - yes
fired a gun – I have poor eye-hand co-ordination, but despite that I'm a good marksman. Captain of the Shooting VIII at school, then later for Royal Signals Catterick Shooting team. One night at school a friend and I took two .22 rifles out and wandered the countryside with them. Because it was dark we couldn’t see anything to shoot at! And I’d forgotten you need light on the rifle sights. It was a miracle we didn’t get caught, I shudder to think what would have happened. What a stupid prank!
purposely hurt yourself – like, banging your head against the wall in frustration? No.
taken painkillers - aspirins
been intimate with someone of the same gender – “intimate” meaning penetration? No.